Robert came to the UK in 2008 with a law degree and speaking three languages.
- He has worked for 10 years in Britain's precarious workforce
- He and his wife split a few months ago, he says, when the family’s money ran out.
- What’s left now is a bank account in almost permanent overdraft and a 38-year-old man tearing himself apart over his broken life here. “I’m an idiot,” he says. “I’ve wasted myself.”
- What keeps Robert here now are the weekend visits with his daughter.
But after 10 years in Britain he’s learned something else too, about the reality of a country that claims to welcome foreigners, even as they punish them. An economy that promises a better life to those it then sucks dry. A society that kids itself that it’s a soft touch when really, it is as cold and hard as any interminable overnight shift.
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