martes, diciembre 19, 2023

Inflación de Colombia desde 1999

Desde 1999 que Colombia no tenia una inflacion tan alta como la del 2022

No lo grafique pero antes de 1999 la inflacion era muchisimo mas alta: Anexo:Variación de la inflación de Colombia desde 1946

miércoles, diciembre 13, 2023

How I got the certification, AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate


  • I did the course of its longer than others, but you learn a lot about AWS. 
  • I took a lot of notes, and use them latter to study.

Practice Exams

I did the practice exams from TD( mainly in review mode, and got these results
1° attempt timed Mode Set 1    71
2° attempt timed Mode Set 1    93
1° attempt  review Mode Set 2    88
1° attempt  review Mode Set 3    69
1° attempt  review Mode Set 4    74
1° attempt  review Mode Set 5    69
1° attempt  review Mode Set 6    72
1° attempt  review Mode Set 7    71

I didn't see improvements in my scores in the first attempts. I only saw an improvement when I did the final test and got a 91. After that, I started my second attempts, and got these results
2° attempt timed Mode Set 2    88
2° attempt timed Mode Set 3    89

After getting those scores, I decided I was ready for the exam. I scheduled it and fortunately approve it with a score of 836/1000. I found the certification exam very similar to the practice exams, but the first attempt on the practice exams is more challenging.

Review mode is perfect for the first attempt on the practice exams because it gives you immediate feedback that allows you to learn faster from your mistakes and fill your knowledge gaps. If you're worried about the timing, use an external stopwatch while doing the review mode. I used the android app Easy Stopwatch.

A 30-minute exam extension is available upon request to non-native English speakers when taking an exam in English


  • Do all the questions in all the practice exams in review mode. Don't obsesses about the scores. 
  • The final test score is the closest to what you will get in the certification exam.

lunes, diciembre 04, 2023

Regexps for goodreads

Average rating above 4, and millions of ratings.

4\.[0-9]{2} [a-z ]*— [0-9,]{9}

Average rating above 4, and hundred of thousands of ratings

4\.[0-9]{2} [a-z ]*— [1-9][0-9,]{6}

I do regexp searches in chrome using the extension find+ | Regex Find-in-Page Tool