Desde 1999 que Colombia no tenia una inflacion tan alta como la del 2022
No lo grafique pero antes de 1999 la inflacion era muchisimo mas alta: Anexo:Variación de la inflación de Colombia desde 1946
Desde 1999 que Colombia no tenia una inflacion tan alta como la del 2022
No lo grafique pero antes de 1999 la inflacion era muchisimo mas alta: Anexo:Variación de la inflación de Colombia desde 1946
Average rating above 4, and millions of ratings.
4\.[0-9]{2} [a-z ]*— [0-9,]{9}
Average rating above 4, and hundred of thousands of ratings
4\.[0-9]{2} [a-z ]*— [1-9][0-9,]{6}
I do regexp searches in chrome using the extension find+ | Regex Find-in-Page Tool
"Yet only 16 per cent of international students go on to become permanent residents in Australia, while in Canada the figure is 27 per cent."
Click again the delete button, this time you will be able to skip the DELETE_FAILED resource.
Important: To avoid unnecessary charges, you must manually delete the resources that are retained when the stack is deleted.
Goodfellas starts with
You're seeing the charges until yesterday. There is a delay of 24 hours between the usage of a resource and AWS showing its cost to you.
Go to the main page and check the Cost and Usage widget
It's very hard to understand what is and what is not in the AWS free tier. This is a list of the things I was charged using AWS free tier, and so after that I learned that are not part of it
See also
Go to AWS Billing > Budgets and create a budget to receive notifications if your spending reaches it.
Go to AWS Billing > Billing preferences and active
On a constant basis go to the main page, and on the Cost and Usage widget check your current month costs and forecasted month-end costs. Also think about deleting all the widgets, but this one.
"The Billing and Cost Management console takes about 24 hours to update usage and charge information for active resources."
See also
"A WHO guideline recommends adults and children reduce their daily intake of free sugars to less than 10% of their total energy intake. A further reduction to below 5% or roughly 25 grams (6 teaspoons) per day would provide additional health benefits."
text-align, useful if you have a block element and need to horizontally align the inline elements inside of it.
vertical-align, useful if you have an inline element(e.g. an image) and need to vertically align it inside its line box.
See the Pen text-align and vertical-align are very different by Wilson Camilo Uribe Neira (@kmilo0) on CodePen.
The code
<p> Good design will be better. <span class="a">Ba</span> <span class="b">Ba</span> <span class="c">Ba</span> We get to make a consequence. </p>
Will generate 3 line-boxes:
"Tiberius’s supporters packed the area near the Temple of Jupiter on the Capitoline Hill to ensure they controlled the voting space. Accompanied by bodyguards, Tiberius himself arrived and was greeted by cheers and applause from the crowd. When opponents of Tiberius arrived, they found themselves unable to push through the pro-Gracchan mob. Prevented from accessing the voting stalls, when the anti-Gracchan voters heard the call for the tribes to begin voting, scuffles erupted on the edge of the crowd as opponents tried to push their way in. The fighting halted the voting.
Meanwhile, the Senate convened for a session in the Temple of Fides, located just around the corner on the Capitoline. Rumors swirled that Tiberius had deposed all the other tribunes and was preparing to assume regal powers. The consul presiding over the Senate that morning was none other than Mucius Scaevola—one of the authors of the Lex Agraria. Nasica and the hard-liners in the Senate demanded Scaevola do something, but the consul replied that “he would resort to no violence and would put no citizen to death without a trial; if, however, the people, under persuasion or compulsion from Tiberius, should vote anything that was unlawful, he would not regard this vote as binding.”
This was not good enough for the incensed Nasica, who rose in response and said, “Let those who would save our country follow me.” Nasica then donned the formal attire of the pontifex maximus and put himself at the head of a mob of like-minded senators and clients. Together they marched to the Temple of Jupiter. As weapons were not permitted to be carried inside the Pomerium—the sacred city limits—Nasica and his followers armed themselves mostly with table legs and other bludgeons. Though the coming attack was not premeditated, it was clear they were willing to use force to beat back the mob trying to make Tiberius Gracchus king of Rome.
Meanwhile, up on the rostra, Tiberius was warned about the approaching mob. Tiberius’s men turned and readied for battle, but hesitated when they saw the mob included senators and was led by the pontifex maximus himself. Though the Gracchans started to give way, Nasica’s men aggressively pushed and beat the crowd anyway. Once the shoving and hitting began, Tiberius’s supporters naturally fought back, leading to a line of clashes throughout the Assembly. The casualties in the resulting mêlée were entirely one-sided—Tiberius’s people were unarmed and made easy targets for Nasica’s gang. Trapped in the confined space in front of the Temple of Jupiter, many people were trampled underfoot or fell to their deaths off the steep cliffs of the Capitoline. When the dust cleared three hundred people lay dead.
The principal target of the attack was, of course, Tiberius himself, and it didn’t take long for the reactionary senators to locate their prey. Near the entrance of the Temple of Jupiter, Tiberius tripped over the body of a man who had already fallen and before he could get up, he was set upon by a fellow tribune and a senator. Though he was a tribune and allegedly sacrosanct, these two men proceeded to beat Tiberius Gracchus to death with the legs of a bench. As the historian Appian records: “So perished on the Capitol, and while still tribune, Gracchus, the son of that Gracchus who was twice consul, and of Cornelia, daughter of that Scipio who robbed Carthage of her supremacy. He lost his life in consequence of a most excellent design too violently pursued; and this abominable crime, the first that was perpetrated in the public assembly, was seldom without parallels thereafter from time to time.”" The Storm Before the Storm: The Beginning of the End of the Roman Republic
You write
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now your HTML doesn't have the right style and there are no warnings or errors to help you.
Es impresionante como F*cksNews con sus 840K seguidores ya casi alcanza al Espectador un periodico de 136 años y propiedad de una de las familias mas ricas de Colombia, los Santo Domingo.
Bacteria grow rapidly between the temperatures of 4° C and 60° C(the danger zone). To ensure that leftovers are safe to eat, immediately after cooking refrigerate or freeze the leftovers for rapid cooling. Throw away all perishable foods that have been left in room temperature for more than 2 hours (1 hour if the temperature is over 32° C).
Cover leftovers, wrap them in airtight packaging, or seal them in storage containers. These practices help keep bacteria out, retain moisture, and prevent leftovers from picking up odors from other food in the refrigerator.
To prevent bacterial growth, it's important to cool food rapidly so it reaches as fast as possible the safe refrigerator-storage temperature of 4° C or below. To do this, divide large amounts of food into shallow containers.
Leftovers can be kept in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days or frozen for 3 to 4 months.
Safe ways to thaw leftovers include the refrigerator, cold water and the microwave oven. Refrigerator thawing takes the longest but the leftovers stay safe the entire time. After thawing, the food should be used within 3 to 4 days or can be refrozen.
If a large container of leftovers was frozen and only a portion of it is needed, it is safe to thaw the leftovers in the refrigerator, remove the needed portion and refreeze the remainder of the thawed leftovers without reheating it.
It is safe to reheat frozen leftovers without thawing, either in a saucepan or microwave (in the case of a soup or stew) or in the oven or microwave (for example, casseroles and combination meals). If using a microwave, be sure the covering is microwave safe, and vent the lid or wrap to let the steam escape. Reheating will take longer than if the food is thawed first, but it is safe to do when time is short.
When reheating leftovers, be sure they reach 74° C as measured with a food thermometer. Reheat sauces, soups and gravies by bringing them to a rolling boil. Cover leftovers to reheat. This retains moisture and ensures that food will heat all the way through.
Sometimes there are leftover "leftovers." It is safe to refreeze any food remaining after reheating previously frozen leftovers to the safe temperature of 74° C as measured with a food thermometer.
More info at
House of Orléans, July Monarchy (1830–1848)
French Second Republic (1848–1852)
House of Bonaparte, Second Empire (1852–1870)
French Third Republic (1870–1940)
"The DTO pattern is often incorrectly used, DTO is meant to group remote calls.
DTOs are called Data Transfer Objects because their whole purpose is to shift data in expensive remote calls. They are part of implementing a coarse grained interface which a remote interface needs for performance. Not just do you NOT need them in a local context, they are actually harmful both because a coarse-grained API is more difficult to use and because you have to do all the work moving data from your domain or data source layer into the DTOs.
Some people argue for them as part of a Service Layer API because they ensure that service layer clients aren't dependent upon an underlying Domain Model. While that may be handy, I don't think it's worth the cost of all of that data mapping. As my contributor Randy Stafford says in P of EAA "Don't underestimate the cost of [using DTOs].... It's significant, and it's painful - perhaps second only to the cost and pain of object-relational mapping".
The three parts of the MVC software-design pattern are: